Policy on Employee Notification of Disciplinary Requests Under FOIL

Liberty Public Library

Policy on Employee Notification of Disciplinary Records Request Under FOIL


Pursuant to §87(6) of the Public Officers Law, all agencies must adopt a policy to notify public employees if their disciplinary records are being released in response to a FOIL request.  This policy provides for the proper notification to an employee, the contents of the notification and delivery of the notification.

Notification Requirement

The Liberty Public Library will provide notice to current public employees if their disciplinary records are subject to a FOIL request.  Notification shall occur after the records are released, consistent with the Legislative intent to ensure minimum notice when such records have been released.

Content of the Notification

The notification will include a statement informing the employee that their disciplinary records have been released.  While there is no requirement to provide a copy of the FOIL request or the released records, the Library will provide to the employee a copy of any records released to the FOIL requestor.

Delivery of Notification

The notice will be delivered in writing, either via regular mail or email, depending on the availability of the employee’s contact information. Such notification efforts shall be the responsibility of the Library Director.

Definition of Disciplinary Records

The Library will utilize the definition of “law enforcement disciplinary records” as provided in Public Officers Law §86(6), applying the definition to disciplinary records of non-law enforcement employees.




Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees on February25, 2025